How do solar lights work?
How do solar lights work?

Solar energy is actually a fairly simple way of lighting up your yard or garden. The only requirement for these lights to work properly is that they have sunlight shining directly on them for a few hours a day. Most products will work with even a minimal amount of sunlight, as it doesn’t take much energy to power the small LED light inside them. However, the more light that shines on the solar cell will increase the power and effectiveness of your outdoor lights.

Our solar lights are self-sustaining solar units which can be used immediately. The lights can be pushed directly into the ground or wherever you wish to illuminate. These types of lights are very simple, with only a few components: the solar cell, a photo-resistor, battery, and a LED light. The solar cell is a small, multi-panel cell covered by durable plastic to keep it from being damaged by changes in the weather.

The solar cell is connected directly to a rechargeable battery. The battery stores energy during the day, and then releases it at night when the photo-resistor determines that it’s time for the lights to turn on. In turn, the battery then powers the small LED light located in the actual lamp or light. All of these components last a long time but can be replaced if needed.

lights will always be on when the sun goes down.

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